Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Zoo, Hallowe'en... and an old Shasta

I've been exceptionally remiss in my blogging duties. So much has happened in a short month or so.

There was our off-season October trip to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.

Followed by Halloween.

My little pirates and their cousin Pocahontas.

Some day when I grow up and have a sewing machine I might try making their costumes. The store bought costumes are cute and the kids look adorable but if you make it, you can make it fit. Ya know? And probably not pay as much and have a better quality outfit.


We also bought a camper. "Bought" is not the word. I traded 3 guitars that I rarely-to-never played for an old camper that a guy had burned-out on rebuilding. I have an old camper problem. It's an addiction and I should probably seek help...

Our 1965 Shasta 16-SC (titled as "Model Unknown")

It's a leaky mess and needs most of the wood replaced. So in addition to the remodeling of the house I have this project. Good grief, Charlie Brown. But I've also found the Vintage Shasta Trailer Forum (VSTF) and it's a blessing. I already spend way too much time there.

Under the paneling: Top front curb side corner of my Shasta.

In other news... We've signed up for a streaming Netflix account and I've discovered Matisyahu Radio on Pandora. Now I can watch obscure independent foreign films and go to my reggae happy place.

It's now Thanksgiving Eve and I have a total of 5 days off work.